

This collection of videos focuses on the importance of core strength with various workouts for the trunk and spine as well as therapeutic, prescriptive exercises. Strengthen the back, abdominal, shoulder, and hip regions as these exercises help you to rotate and bend without pain so that you can enjoy an active lifestyle. This video series is a must for any fitness program.

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  • Video 561 | Yoga for Deep Core (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Yoga practice, we will focus on the lumbo pelvic-hip complex, which includes deeper muscles such as your internal obliques, transversus abdominis, multifidus, rotatores, semispinalis, quadratus lumborum, psoas, and superficial muscles, such as your rectus abdominis.

    Using diaphragmatic...

  • Vide0 544 | Core Foundations Four: Day 01 (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this full week of extension workouts, we will practice isometric joint positions in the sagittal plane from the hip, shoulder, and spine. As we begin our week, it is important that all our muscles are activated and responsive. For this reason, we are starting with isometrics.

    Isometrics can...

  • Video 539 | Core Foundations Three: Day 1 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this full week of sidebend workouts, we will visit isolated isometric joint positions in the frontal plane, at the hip, shoulder, and spine. As we begin our week, it is important that all our muscles are activated and responsive. For this reason, we are starting with isometrics.

    Isometrics ...

  • Video 535 | Core Foundations Two: Day 2 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 2 is designed to integrate many of the isometrics from Day One into integrated joint positions. As we move to achieve the posture, notice any areas that you may feel are limited or tight. It is natural for weaker muscles to rely on stronger muscles to do their job, but as our muscles become...

  • Video 534 | Core Foundations Two: Day 1 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this full week of trunk flexion workouts, we will visit isolated isometric joint positions in the sagittal plane, at the hip, shoulder, and spine. As we begin our week, it is important that all our muscles are activated and responsive. For this reason, we are starting with isometrics.


  • Video 531 | Core Foundations Day 3 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    These core calisthenics exercises use concentric and eccentric resistance training, moving in and out of positions with the sponge ball, a thigh band, and bodyweight as resistance. Experience some traditional core exercises, such as crunches, knee to chest, and the criss-cross, followed by hip a...

  • Video 505 | Pelvic Floor Incontinence Rx (15 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Stress urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine that occurs with increases in intra abdominal pressure (e.g., with exertion, effort, sneezing, or coughing) due to urethral sphincter and/or pelvic floor muscle weakness. This can affect anyone at any age, particularly those who part...

  • Video 490 | Isometric Core Mobility Boost (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you strengthen core muscles. Enjoy improved mobility with improved spinal and hip stability using a series of rotation, flexion, and extension isometric exercises. You will not need any equipment for this workout. Think of...

  • Video 483 | Seated Core (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Sometimes we have to sit for longer than we would like, in meetings, during traveling, or in periods of rehabilitation. Not only that, some have a difficult time getting down onto the floor to train the core.

    In this express workout, you will only need your bodyweight and a chair to get thro...

  • Video 479 | 15 Minute Abs (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    When you put in the effort, equipment is often not necessary! In this bodyweight workout, we are highlighting the abdominal region with a variety of "crunching" positions and lever length changes. A variety of plank positions will also be peppered in throughout for some static holds and positio...

  • Video 477 | Neck Tension Rx (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The cervical spine is often tight and painful when other nearby joints cannot pick up the motions needed by the individual. The neck is the most mobile area of the spine and often picks up unnecessary motions.

    In this therapeutic strength routine, we will perform four separate exercise combin...

  • Live Event | Yogalates Stability-Mobility (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Yoga and Pilates fusion class, practice six different combinations each choreographed for their similarity in joint motion and muscle recruitment. See how the moving eccentric-concentric focus of the chosen Pilates exercises actually enhances our ability to stay strong with increased jo...

  • Video 474 | Core Stability (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Spinal Stabilization is an important part of any exercise routine, as the core acts as a brace to transfer forces from the trunk and spine to the extremities and absorb forces from the extremities to the trunk and spine. We will use bodyweight, a dumbbell, and a TheraBand. Exercises will vary f...

  • Video 466 | Mobility Challenge: Day 5 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    On Day 5 of the mobility series, we will look to strengthen the muscles involved in rotating through the trunk and spine. As we rotate through the spine, you will notice movement coming from the shoulders and hips to accommodate trunk rotation,

    We begin by exploring our ability to reach across ...

  • Live Event: Joint Stability Series: Spine (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This 60 minute workout is designed to strengthen muscles that flex, rotate, side-bend, and extend spinal joints in a variety of positions for better overall core strength. The focus is to expose and strengthen muscle imbalances by improving contraction responsiveness. The instability of the the...

  • Video 452 | Tech Neck RX (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    What is Tech Neck?
    This condition has become a term used to describe chronic neck pain caused by continuously straining the neck muscles while using technology like computers and phones that eventually leads to spinal changes and poor posture. We are completely tied to our phones and screens, of...

  • Live Event | Isometric Core with Bands (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Isometric training combined with Therabands and a thigh band to target the trunk and spine, including the obliques, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, spinal erectors, and hip rotators. We will hold each isometric for anywhere from 10-30 seconds with a 5-10 second rest in between. Isolated...

  • Video 444 Pilates with Weights (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you are looking to build muscle while working your core, this workout incorporates free weights into your mat Pilates routine. Dumbbells can help add a challenge to your limbs and your core so that you get even better results in the time you have available.

    As we flow through many of the e...

  • Video 442 | Deep Core and More (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    It is said that 50 percent of people with chronic constipation, low back pain and pelvic pain have pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) — impaired relaxation and coordination of pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. Intensive pelvic floor retraining exercises is often used to treat non-relaxing pelvic f...

  • Video 441 | Dumbbell Abs Circuit (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout will add some variety and challenge to several abdominal exercises with a dumbbell for added resistance. Using a circuit format, experience a challenging core routine with the addition of a free weight to experience crunches in a whole new way! Exercises will vary from standing to fl...

  • Video 435 | Yoga Strong Core (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The ancient practice of Yoga is full of postures that are centered around the health of the trunk and spine. In this flow-style practice, the sponge ball and TheraBand will be incorporated into several spinal postures that flex, extend, and rotate the spine. This is extremely helpful for suppor...

  • Video 434 | Stress Relief Yoga (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Stress has become an all too common companion as we work to meet the demands of work, relationships, and personal responsibilities. Stress can affect our health in a negative way, leaving us feeling depressed and overwhemed. It can also lead to increased cortisol, which produces inflammation in t...

  • Video 432 | Top 10 Spinal Stability Exercises (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    As we age, the spine is subject to everyday stresses that eventually wear down its structures over time. Specifically, the discs that act as cushions between the spine’s vertebrae begin to shrink and get worn down as their moisture content declines. As a result, the vertebral bones begin to rub a...

  • Video 431 | Core Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Mobility issues are often caused by muscle weakness. In this quick 30-minute routine, we will be looking at the four motions of the trunk and spine using bodyweight as resistance to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.

    The four positions we will examine are:
    1. Trunk Flexion
    2. Trunk Ext...