Total Body

Total Body

Strength training video series designed to strengthen your muscles from head to toe. Enjoy resistance exercises for the upper and lower body using a variety of resistance tools to improve muscle health. Learn to train with free weights, elastic bands, stability balls, and even bodyweight with proper form to better target your muscles while protecting your joints.

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Total Body
  • Video 562 | Full Body Strong Calisthenics (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This bodyweight routine consists of twenty exercises, each targeting specific areas of the upper, lower, and core regions of the body. Although lifting heavy weights does build muscle, we need to be able to work with the weight of our body first.

    In this workout, explore your unique range of ...

  • Video 558 | Mobility Circuit (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    For this workout, the only equipment you will need is your body! Take this hour to survey your joint mobility from left to right to see where your motion deficits are. We will perform 15 bodyweight exercises with 8-12 repetitions each in order to improve overall mobility resulting from muscle l...

  • Video 557 | Muscles in Mid-Life (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Full Body strength training routine combines 10 of the best exercises to build muscle. If you are new to strength training or just want a full body workout, this workout will help. The chosen exercises are designed to use large muscle groups with exercises using large muscle groups. Using...

  • Video 556 | Over 40 Bone Density Training (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Starting in our 40s, our estrogen and testosterone begin to drop, causing a loss of muscle, bone, and metabolic efficiency. If this goes on, we will begin to put on body fat and increase our risk of fracture. The hip joint, particularly in the femoral neck and greater trochanter, shoulder, lowe...

  • Live Event | Full Body Dumbbell: No Repeats (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This no-repeat strength training workout will provide a ton of variety in various upper body, lower body, and trunk related exercises. Using dumbbells and bodyweight, we will move from one area of the body to the next, performing only one set of 12-15 repetitons of each exercise using various re...

  • Video 526 | Pre and Post Sport Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Warm-Ups should be a scaled-down version of what you are getting ready to do, and cool-downs should ensure that your muscles are still communicating well with your central nervous system, as you bring your energy back to homeostasis. For this reason, I have chosen some of my favorite mobility-st...

  • Live Event | Rotation Revolution (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout is choreographed to rotate through your hips, spine, shoulders, and neck for improved trunk rotation.

    We begin with a warm up to check our mobility, then we will perform several "anti-rotation" exercises using asymmetrical loading and unilateral motions. Next, experience some high...

  • Live Event | Unilateral Calisthenics (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Calisthenics workout challenging your strength, endurance, balance and coordination through unilateral exercises. For this workout, all you need is your body, a mat, a Yoga Block, and a chair.

    We begin on the mat for some abs and core specific then onto a full variety of upper, lower & full ...

  • Live Event | Full Body Pyramind: Elastic (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Research suggests that pyramid training may help increase muscle size and enhance muscular endurance and power. Pyramid training is a style of training designed to repeat exercises and exercise combinations in a way to either to slowly increase or decrease resistance challenges for greater streng...

  • Live Event | Full Body Pyramid: Dumbbells (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This pyramid training workout is designed to overload your muscles to create metabolic stress in muscle tissue that encourages growth. We will be performing an increasing and a decreasing pyramid scheme. Make sure to have at least two different sizes of dumbbells. Bodyweight can be used as wel...

  • Video 518 | | Ignite Challenge Day 10 (50 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Day ten is a full body workout using dumbbells, TheraBands, and bodyweight as resistance. The focus for today is to challenge the trunk and spine in a stabilization role, working isometrically to hold the body still while against a resistance. Anti-rotation is given to exercises that requiresus ...

  • Video 515 | Ignite Challenge Day 5 (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Day five is the half-way mark! Today we are approaching our muscle building in a full-body circuit format. We will be doing four mini circuits twice each. You will need a light and heavy set of dumbbells for upper and lower body exercises as well as a TheraBand.

    Combo One:
    Thread the Needle...

  • Live Event | Total Body Barre (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    60 minute Full body workout using the ballet barre for help with balance to perform standing exercises for the lower body. This workout also includes floor exercises for improving core strength and range of motion.
    Dumbbells and TheraBands are to challenge muscles of the shoulders, arms, and h...

  • Video 506 | Posterior Chain Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The idea of a Posterior Chain refers to the structures at the back of the leg and the spine. These muscles keep us upright and tend to reduce our chance of injury. The main muscles that make up the Posterior Chain are the calf muscles, hamstrings, gluteus maximi, latissimus dorsi and the erecto...

  • Live Event | Full Body Dumbbell Supersets (60 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

    This superset workout combines movements that are complementary in nature to help improve muscle balance and joint symmetry. Enjoy a combination of chest / triceps / quad exercises with back / bicep / hamstring exercises done back-to-back with dumbbells. A chair will be used as a support for se...

  • Video 504 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Five (30 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 5 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is a full body workout involving multiple joints using dumbbells and a thigh band to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. We will be performing five combinations to work the upper and lower body plus some core exercises. I suggest having...

  • Live Event | Yoga for Strength (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Yoga routine will move at a moderate pace, taking time in each pose to experience added load and new challenges. The Yoga block will be used for support, but also to redirect the forces going into the postures that we will come up against. The dumbbells allow us to train the upper and lowe...

  • Live Event | Dumbbell and Bodyweight Barre (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This class will focus on resistance training which is targeted at increasing muscle mass and improving muscle rate of contraction. After a core-focused warm-up, we will perform intervals of dumbbell exercises and bodyweight exercises.

    Experience upper body, lower body, and core work. The dum...

  • Live Event | FIS Full Body Fusion (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    To properly end 2023, I am doing five segments of the most favorite fitness formats on FISTV. First, we will use the Pilates Magic Circle in a Yoga routine. Next practice some core-strengthening Pilates moves with bodyweight. The third section is the Barre workout with bodyweight and the ring....

  • Video 495 | Total Body Strength Mix (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This strength workout is designed to explore the muscular system from head to toe with a superset approach to training. There are five upper and lower body combinations in each group, each performed twice at a moderate pace. Each combination includes a lower body and upper body exercise using d...

  • Live Event | Full Body Burn (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This class is full of variety and fun! We will be doing three sections of exercise supersets. The superset consists of a long set of repetitions grouped together as synergistic or antagonistic in nature. We will do each superset twice. Section one will incorporate a bodyweight hip extension e...

  • Live Event | Pilates Dumbbell Fusion (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Thirty minutes of traditional mat Pilates exercises is followed by a full body strength training routine in this fusion class. The first half of the class includes the Pilates: One Hundred, Roll-Up, Roll-Over, Single Leg Circle, Rolling Like a Ball, Single Leg Stretch, Double Leg Stretch, Spine ...

  • Live Event | Barre Sculpt Interval (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This fun, energetic Barre workout begins with a Pilates warm-up, followed by some intervals of lower body work at the Ballet Bare interspersed with upper body supersets using the Theraband and dumbbells. Finish with a strengthening core sequence to stimulate muscles at the trunk and spine. This...

  • Live Event | Yoga Ball and Bands (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this flow-style practice, the Stability ball and TheraBand will be incorporated into several classic postures that flex, extend, and rotate the spine. This is extremely helpful for support of vertebral joints and hips.

    The first section will be yoga on the ball with some upper body work us...