7 Day Fitness Plan
New Content and Suggestions for this week January 13-19, 2024
*This Weekly plan provides an optional 60 minutes of balanced resistance training each day.
(Choose one or both selections for each day)
See the full weekly online calendar here:
"Ball-Barre Fusion" Video 641 (30 min)
NEW! Releases at 6:00am EST. A restorative, full-body practice for all levels using bodyweight and optional blanket.
To add an extra 15 minutes, try Video 357 "Pilates Express" for a variety of Pilates based mat exercises in a short amount of time with bodyweight only.
"Quads and Core" (30 mins.) Video 285
Quadricep and core strength workout using dumbbells to target muscles that flex the spine and hip.
If you want an alternative 30 minutes, try Video 453 "Magic Circle Thigh Workout" to strengthen the inner and outer thigh regions plus glutes using a Pilates circle for resistance.
"Triple-Threat: Biceps-Triceps-Shoulders" Video 429 (30 min)
Sequences of dumbbell exercises for the biceps, triceps, and shoulders focused on building muscle.
If you want another 30 minutes, try Video 338 "FIS Elbow and Wrist" for muscles that control elbow and wrist joints using dumbbells and a chair.
"Integrated Lower Body Isometrics" Video 614 (45 minutes)
Multi-positional isometric resistance training for the lower body using a yoga strap and yoga block
If you want an alternative 15 minutes, try Video 443 "Bodyweight Glutes" with lower body exercises for the gluteal muscles using no equipment.
"FIS Chest and Back" Video 280 (30 min)
Alternating chest and back exercises using a TheraBand, dumbbells and a stability ball for support.
If you want another 30 minutes, try Video 263 "FIS Shoulders" with a resistance Training workout targeting the shoulder muscles using dumbbells and an elastic band.
Recorded "Total Body HIIT with Bands (*No Jumping)" (60 minutes)
Resistance training workout with intervals of high and low intensity using elastic resistance.
If you want an alternative 15 minutes, try "Yoga Ball EXP" Video 449 for a Yoga Flow with a stability ball using increased spinal stabilization and mind-body awareness.
This Guide will give you direction in which exercise routines to do each week. Even if you are working on specific FIS TV Workouts that were assigned to you by your MAT Specialist, Personal Trainer, Physician, or Health Professional, the 7-Day Fitness plan can still be your guide! The education you get each week is designed to help you stay focused, inspire you, and assist you in reaching your individual health goals.
This collection of videos is comprised of the workouts that have been chosen in "Your Weekly Fitness and Wellness Coaching Guide" email, delivered every Sunday night at 6:00pm EST. The 7-Day plan is comprised of content that I choose for you to ensure that you work each body part sufficiently and have a chance to experience strength, flexibility, restoration, and intensity in a balanced fitness routine. I provide selections of 15, 30,45, and 60 minutes of exercise content each day so that you can chose what works for you. Come to this collection to be lead each week with adequate time allowed for rest and recovery.
Video 641 | Ball-Barre Fusion (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This stability ball workout uses a slow progression and a support to assist with balance so that you get more from your muscles. We begin with a bodyweight core training segment using the stability ball. Next, experience some classic barre exercises for the hips, thighs, glutes, ankles and fee...
Video 357 | Pilates Express (15 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk
This balanced Pilates Mat routine offers support, balance, and strength to your "core" in an express routine based on the Pilates system. Joseph Pilates referred to the core as the "The Powerhouse" and consisted of abdominals, back, hips, and shoulders.
The goal of this express workout is to ...
Video 285 | Quads and Core (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk
We commonly refer to "abs" when we think of core training, but many muscles in the front of the body can flex the spine. In this routine, strengthen the quadriceps, which affect both the hip and spine, and the abdominals.
Starting on the floor, enjoy some great trunk and spine exercises to ton...
Video 453 | Magic Circle Thigh Workout (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
The Pilates Magic Circle, or RIng is a very versatile tool, fitting comfortably inside and outside the legs, arms, and trunk. In this class, we will practice several creative variations of traditional Pilates mat exercises to strengthen the inner and outer thigh regions. Many of the positions w...
Video 429 | Triple-Threat: Biceps-Triceps-Shoulders (30 Mins) with Lauren Eirk
I call this a "Triple Threat" for the upper body because this workout is comprised of some of the best hypertrophy exercises for Biceps, Triceps, and shoulders. After a short mobility warm-up, we dive right into the upper body workout with dumbbells. Experience several combinations of each musc...
Video 338 | FIS Elbow and Wrist (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This resistance training workout is comprised of a variety of isolated exercise for muscles that flex and extend the elbow, or biceps and triceps, and muscles that move the wrist. See how wrist position affects muscular participation at the shoulder and elbow. These exercises will not only tone...
Video 614 | Integrated Lower Body Isometrics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk
In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the lower body to integrate the knee, ankle, foot, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using seated positions followed by several standing and prone hip p...
Video 443 | Bodyweight Glutes (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This Express workout packs in 15 minutes of the best gluteal exercises using bodyweight only for resistance. Many exercises that are thought to target this area, but it takes strategic control and focus to make bring the glutes to center stage.
Several floor and standing exercises will be tau...
Video 280 | FIS Chest and Back (30 Minute workout) with Lauren Eirk
Simply speaking, chest muscles are used to push objects away from us Back muscles pull objects towards us. Exercises around these muscle groups are opposite in nature, as one works concentrically and one eccentrically to either shorten against a load or allow for more length to control the join...
Video 263 | FIS Shoulders (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk
This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the shoulder joint. The FIS Method is based on sound exercise mechanics that is kinder to your joints while giving you great results! This strength training routine targets the muscles that flex, extend, abduct, adduct and rotate the shoulder. This routine...
Live Event | Total Body HIIT with Bands (*No Jumping) with Lauren Eirk
This full body Thigh band and TheraBand routine uses a combination of higher effort, followed by periods of recovery. This is called interval training. A Japanese researcher named Izumi Tabata conducted extensive research on interval training, Tabata workouts are very popular today. His work w...
Video 449 | Yoga Ball EXP (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This dynamic Yoga Express workout uses the stability ball to keep muscles become more responsive to environmental stimulus. The dynamic nature of the ball challenges the core in every pose with increased range of motion and support for the joints.
This practice will improve core stability as ...