Yoga 2023

Yoga 2023

Yoga 2023 is a collection of yoga videos that were filmed in the year 2023. This extensive Yoga collection encompasses many different styles of Yoga practices. These workouts will help you to improve your range of motion quality by helping you to identify weak or under-performing muscles, using resistance training principles to improve muscle strength, and integrating them into isometric Yoga postures. Enjoy fusion and strength-based workouts as well as therapeutic sequences as you increase your awareness of muscle function, respiratory health, and ability to stay focused.

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Yoga 2023
  • Video 545 | Core Foundations Four: Day 2 (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this workout, we will use the yoga strap and block to help create resistance into the upper, mid, and low back regions to move into trunk extension. Practice backbends in standing, lunging, single leg balance, seated, prone, and supine bridge positions. We will target the rear shoulder, glut...

  • Live Event | Yoga for Strength (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Yoga routine will move at a moderate pace, taking time in each pose to experience added load and new challenges. The Yoga block will be used for support, but also to redirect the forces going into the postures that we will come up against. The dumbbells allow us to train the upper and lowe...

  • Live Event | Power Yoga - Core Fusion (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Yoga flow is designed to improve muscle strength and range of motion. This practice is balanced with sun salutations, standing poses, balancing poses, core strengthening poses, and seated isometrics. The second half of this workout will consist of several core training exercises for the ab...

  • Video 489 | Yoga Back Therapy (35 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Lower back pain is very common and complex to treat. The key is to keep surrounding muscles around the pelvis, hips and core strong and regularly practice various joint angles in order to maintain range of motion.

    Yoga can be extremely helpful with back care. Using the Yoga strap and the Yoga ...

  • Video 485 | Chair Yoga for Tight Hips (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Hatha Yoga practice, we will use a chair to help us access various hip-focused asanas. The chair raises the floor to meet our body's needs and serves as a platform to press against for muscle activation. You will need a Yoga block and a Yoga strap for this workout.

    We will begin from a...

  • Video 487 | Express Chair Yoga for Hips (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Many individuals suffer from chronic hip tightness and immobility, making it very difficult to get to the floor. This may be due to injury, sedentary lifestyle, or muscle weakness to name a few reasons. Chairs can be wonderful tools to help make exercise more comfortable.

    In this Express Hatha...

  • Live Event | Yogalates Stability-Mobility (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Yoga and Pilates fusion class, practice six different combinations each choreographed for their similarity in joint motion and muscle recruitment. See how the moving eccentric-concentric focus of the chosen Pilates exercises actually enhances our ability to stay strong with increased jo...

  • Live Event | Power Yoga for Balance (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This bodyweight Hatha Yoga practice is designed to be strengthening in nature, as we focus on the muscles of the lower body and core. After a short warm up to observe range of motion, practice several sequences featuring a breakdown of warrior one and warrior three. Practice several seated twis...

  • Live Event | Yoga Balance Training (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Yoga flow includes some of of the best balancing postures as well as several bodyweight asymmetrical loading variations. We will start with a warm up on the ground, followed by some vinyasa-style sequences that require control due to their emphasis on the one-leg balance skill. The class f...

  • Video 461 | Yoga Chair Shoulder Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Yoga itself is an isometric practice using the principles of resistance training. Postures, or "asanas", are used in Yoga to create maximum health in the body for improved concentration and control. In this practice, the focus is to improve the integrity of the shoulder joint.

    Using a chair as ...

  • Live Event | Loaded Yoga: Core (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Isometric workout features isometric holds combined with a mixture of trunk and spine related Yoga poses to give your core a complete workout.
    This routine will improve range of motion and and strength with holds that require spinal muscle contractions against weights..

    You will love this...

  • Live Event | Loaded Yoga: Legs (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This lower body Isometric workout features isometric holds combined with a mixture of lower body Yoga poses to give your legs a complete workout.
    This routine will improve range of motion and and strength with holds that require large muscle contractions.

    You will love this combination of the ...

  • Live Event | Feel-Good Yoga Flow (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This yoga practice is designed to re-energize and wake up your entire body through muscle activation and joint movement. As we flow from one pose to the next, be able to connect your breathing to your motions so that you can lower your anxiety and calm your mind.

    Whether you can do this with me...

  • Video 450 | Dumbbell Yoga: Arms and Abs (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Experience an alignment-based Yoga practice designed to incorporate multi-joint isometric resistance training. It is often difficult to strengthen the upper body in many poses, so this workout will incorporate dumbbells. The added resistance from the free weights will challenge elbow, wrist, an...

  • Video 449 | Yoga Ball EXP (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This dynamic Yoga Express workout uses the stability ball to keep muscles become more responsive to environmental stimulus. The dynamic nature of the ball challenges the core in every pose with increased range of motion and support for the joints.

    This practice will improve core stability as ...

  • Live Video | Iso-Yoga (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Hatha Yoga is force-ful Yoga, with isometrics throughtout. An isometric is an exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. They are used for rehabilitation, strength adaptation, hypertrophy, and range of motion training.

    In this...

  • Video 440 | Yoga for Inflexible People: Back (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Many people think that Yoga is only for highly flexible people, especially due to the image that we see in marketing. However, with the use of Yoga props, we can make the postures accessible to everyone. Props make feel so much more comfortable, improving one's understanding of the pose.

    We wi...

  • Video 439 | Yoga for Inflexible People: Hips (30 minutes) with Lauren EIrk

    Many people think that Yoga is only for highly flexible people, especially due to the image that we see in marketing. However, with the use of Yoga props, we can make the postures accessible to everyone. Props make feel so much more comfortable, improving one's understanding of the pose.

    We wi...

  • Video 435 | Yoga Strong Core (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    The ancient practice of Yoga is full of postures that are centered around the health of the trunk and spine. In this flow-style practice, the sponge ball and TheraBand will be incorporated into several spinal postures that flex, extend, and rotate the spine. This is extremely helpful for suppor...

  • Video 434 | Stress Relief Yoga (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Stress has become an all too common companion as we work to meet the demands of work, relationships, and personal responsibilities. Stress can affect our health in a negative way, leaving us feeling depressed and overwhemed. It can also lead to increased cortisol, which produces inflammation in t...

  • Live Event | Yogalates for Piriformis Syndrome (60 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Pain originating from spasms in your piriformis muscle, a large muscle located deep in the buttock, is called piriformis syndrome. Even though this condition is very common, it is a complex problem to treat. The key is to keep surrounding muscles around the pelvis, hips and core strong and regu...

  • Live Event | HIp and Glute Power Yoga (60 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Yoga practice, experience Yoga poses designed to strengthen hip and gluteal muscles that work to extend, flex, abduct, adduct, and rotate the hip. These powerful muscles also assist the lower back in creating a strong, stable core. When they are weak, we tend to have low energy and join...

  • Live Event | Grounding Yoga (60 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Life can become hectic and stressful, leaving us feeling depressed and overwhelmed. This instinctual physiological stress response can serve us well in life-threatening situations. (Such as the often-cited running-from-a-tiger scenario.) Yet these days, even stressors that aren’t life-threatenin...

  • Live Event | Alignment-Based Flow Yoga Back Bending (60 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Flow Style Yoga class, experience a rhythmic pased, alignment-focused class. The asanas chosen for this practice include some of the most fundamental backward-bending postures in Hatha Yoga, designed to gently engage spinal and hip extensor muscles

    We will begin with a warm up to egage ...