Recorded Live Winter Events 2024

Recorded Live Winter Events 2024

It is cold outside, so enjoy these recordings of the 2024 winter season's LIVE Pilates, Yoga, Barre, Resistance Training, Therapeutic, and Isometric workouts!

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Recorded Live Winter Events 2024
  • Live Event | Blended Circuit Training: Lower Body (60 minutes) with Lauren EIrk

    Using a circuit format, this class will use a variety of resistance training formats to work the glutes, hips, thighs, lower leg, and core. After a short warm up, we will do one set of each exercise in the circuit. Upon completion of the circuit, we will then repeat each exercise for a second ...

  • Live Event | Blended Circuit Training Upper Body (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Using a circuit format, this class will use a variety of resistance training formats to work the arms, chest, back, shoulders, and core. After a short warm up, we will do one set of each exercise in the circuit. Upon completion of the circuit, we will then repeat each exercise for a second set...

  • Live Event | Full Body Pyramind: Elastic (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Research suggests that pyramid training may help increase muscle size and enhance muscular endurance and power. Pyramid training is a style of training designed to repeat exercises and exercise combinations in a way to either to slowly increase or decrease resistance challenges for greater streng...

  • Live Event | Full Body Pyramid: Dumbbells (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This pyramid training workout is designed to overload your muscles to create metabolic stress in muscle tissue that encourages growth. We will be performing an increasing and a decreasing pyramid scheme. Make sure to have at least two different sizes of dumbbells. Bodyweight can be used as wel...

  • Live Event | Total Body Barre (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    60 minute Full body workout using the ballet barre for help with balance to perform standing exercises for the lower body. This workout also includes floor exercises for improving core strength and range of motion.
    Dumbbells and TheraBands are to challenge muscles of the shoulders, arms, and h...

  • Live Event | Yoga Isometrics with Dumbbells (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This slow-moving strength-building Yoga practice will incorporate the dumbbells and bodyweight training in several multi-joint positions. As you sequence through Warrior I-III plus several powerful standing poses, experience some challenging isometric holds by taking on one or two free weights ...

  • Live Event | Standing Pilates (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This standing Pilates workout that's all about challenging your balance. There will be no jumping in this workout. You may choose to use a chair from time to time as we try some tough sequences to work your legs, core and hips. This exercise increases your strength and stability while boosting y...

  • Live Event | Yoga Block Yogalates (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this routine, see how much something as simple as a Yoga block can greatly intensify a Yoga or Pilates routine. We will be performing four blocks of exercises, repeating each block 2-3 times.
    Block One: Yoga Sun Salutations with blocks
    Block Two: Standing Yoga Core Training
    Block Three: Yog...

  • Live Event | "Yoga Ball Abs" (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This creative flow features a Yoga fusion using a stability ball, which provides the perfect surface to accommodate the curves of the spine. When using the ball, experience greater overall resisted range of motion than is achieved during traditional practices on the floor. The flowing nature of...

  • Live Event | Full Body Dumbbell Supersets (60 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

    This superset workout combines movements that are complementary in nature to help improve muscle balance and joint symmetry. Enjoy a combination of chest / triceps / quad exercises with back / bicep / hamstring exercises done back-to-back with dumbbells. A chair will be used as a support for se...

  • Live Event | Yoga for Strength (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Yoga routine will move at a moderate pace, taking time in each pose to experience added load and new challenges. The Yoga block will be used for support, but also to redirect the forces going into the postures that we will come up against. The dumbbells allow us to train the upper and lowe...

  • Live Event | Pilates for Hips (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Pilates Mat class is focused on the hips.  We will use a mini ball, a thigh band, and a chair/support to create these exercises.  Starting after the warm up, we will alternate between sidelying hip abduction exercises and prone bird-dog variations.  There will be floor exercises and those in...

  • Live Event | Yoga Renewal (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This class is a great way to ring in the new year of 2024. We will begin with a mindset breathwork meditation, followed by several seated Yoga asanas for hip and trunk mobility. As we move into our standing postures, we will focus on longer hold times in poses so that we have time to focus our ...

  • Live Event | Dumbbell and Bodyweight Barre (60 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This class will focus on resistance training which is targeted at increasing muscle mass and improving muscle rate of contraction. After a core-focused warm-up, we will perform intervals of dumbbell exercises and bodyweight exercises.

    Experience upper body, lower body, and core work. The dum...