New This Month

New This Month

We believe that fitness is a way of life that extends far beyond the participation in training sessions. In this collection, easily find the latest videos of the month with the freshest content! We want to bring you the latest information in Yoga, Pilates, Strength Training, Fitness and Wellness. Even though you may have some favorite videos that you keep going back to, it is important to mix things up, explore new ideas, stay current, and stay motivated. This collection will update each month, so check this area regularly. Once the month is complete, these videos will be listed under relevant topic categories.

New This Month
  • Video 617 | Integrated Upper Body Isometrics (45 mins) with Lauren EIrk

    In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the upper body to integrate the shoulder, elbow, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using supine (face-up), prone (face-down), seated, and standing posit...

  • Video 616 | TOS Shoulder Solutions (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    Get an Introduction to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome with isometrics for upper body muscles to relieve pain and tightness in the neck, shoulders, and  upper back. This can also help anyone with shoulder and neck dysfunction of any kind. Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a term used for a group of di...

  • Video 615 | Weighted Pilates (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Pilates is considered to be a bodyweight form of training. Because of this, the load required to do this activity will build only enough muscle to deal with that, which may be enough for some goals! However, adding weights to Pilates will give you the ability to build muscle beyond mat-based Pi...

  • Video 614 | Integrated Lower Body Isometrics (45 mins) with Lauren Eirk

    In this Isometric workout, we will be utilizing isometric resistance training for the lower body to integrate the knee, ankle, foot, and spine as a progressive approach to isolation work. Practice multi-joint isometric positions using seated positions followed by several standing and prone hip p...

  • Video 613 | Micro Workout: Hip Abduction (10 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this micro workout, the gluteus medius and minimus are the focus. These muscles attach on the outer hip and are highly involved in standing. They perform motion out to the side, called abduction. They are also involved in walking, climbing, running, and jumping. Weak abductor muscles can c...

  • Video 612 | Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    In this therapeutic workout, the stability ball is used in a supportive way to improve shoulder and neck stability. The round nature of the ball offers support as well as unique additions to many trunk-related exercises to benefit the shoulders and neck.

    We begin with seated mobility as we mo...