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In our Featured Video content section, you will see the content that you don't want to miss. Click any of the thumbnail pictures and go right to new content, live videos, and and foundational videos to get you started and give you results. Also included are the videos highlighted in the weekly email.
IsoBoost Program
4 items
This program starts February 10, 2025!
This program consists of 15 isometric workouts, with most being 30 minutes in length to help muscles engage more efficiently. Isometric exercises involve contracting your muscles without moving the joint or changing the muscle length. Imagine holding a pl...
Spinal Osteoporosis Recipe
20 items
Osteoporosis of the spine (vertebral osteoporosis) is a condition where the bones in your spine become weak, porous, and brittle due to loss of bone density. The vertebrae can become so fragile that they may fracture or compress even during normal daily activities.
Common symptoms include:
Height... -
7 Day Fitness Plan
11 items
New Content and Suggestions for February 10-16, 2025
*This Weekly plan provides an optional 60 minutes of balanced resistance training each day.
(Choose one or both selections for each day)See the full weekly online calendar here:
https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTf7pI5nM/PHjz_HiQ-dK-F6CKSRS2v... -
9 items
If you are new to FIS TV and not sure where to start, you have come to the right place! Whether you are new to exercise, suffering from a new injury, or just checking in with your body, this section will be your guide. These videos will help you evaluate your joint health from one workout to the...
Isometric Boost
40 items
The isometric exercise routines in this collection are designed to help you keep your muscular system healthy. Isometric resistance training involves a contraction of muscles without any movement in the surrounding joints. Holding these positions under light tension will help build muscle, stre...