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Video 504 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Five (30 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

30 Minutes

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  • Video 503 | Muscle Construction Chall...

    Day 4 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is an upper body workout involving multiple joints while we target the bicep, tricep, and abdominal regions using dumbbells to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. This workout begins with an isometric core warm-up, then moves into a super...

  • Video 502 | Muscle Construction Chall...

    Day 3 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is another lower body workout involving multiple joints while we target the gluteal and hip regions using dumbbells and a thigh band to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep.

    This workout begins with a short warm-up, followed by a gluteal ...

  • Video 501 | Muscle Construction Chall...

    Day 2 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is an upper body workout involving multiple joints while we target the back, chest, and shoulder regions using dumbbells to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. This workout begins with a short warm-up, then moves into a superset format wi...