Video 504 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Five (30 mins.) with Lauren Eirk
30 Minutes
Day 5 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is a full body workout involving multiple joints using dumbbells and a thigh band to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. We will be performing five combinations to work the upper and lower body plus some core exercises. I suggest having more than one set of dumbbells, since the upper and lower limbs have varied strength abilities.
Combo One: Front Squat, Shoulder Press, Hammer Curl
Combo Two: Slow Burpee, Bent over Row, Rear Lunges
Combo Three: RDL, Front Raise, Shoulder-Hip Abduction Combo
Combo Four: Banded DB Staggered Squat, DB Chest Press, DB Banded Hip Thrust
Combo Five: Prone Trunk Extension, Elbow Plank, Finishing Mobility
Enjoy some floorwork isolation exercises at the end of the routine to ensure adequate time under tension for the trunk and spine muscles. Being able to perform the moves with the best control possible while squeezing the involved muscles should be the aim. Take your time! I will be giving many modifications throughout so that each person can adapt the exercise to meet his or her needs.
Focus on the quality of each individual rep, rather than moving the weight from point A to point B, in a mind-to-muscle connection. Some muscles will need to hold the position and some to move the weight. Think of this as "lab time" for your body as you practice!
Purchase the equipment used in this video from Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Fabric Resistance Band for Legs:
Yoga Mat:
Up Next in 30 Minutes
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