Video 588 | Prolonged Sit-Rx: Micro Workout (10 mins) with Lauren Eirk
Micro Workouts
When we sit for long periods of time, our muscles and joints feel the effects, along with a number of health concerns that affect our metabolism. Some of these include increased blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and unhealthy cholesterol levels. It is common to feel stiff and tight in the spine, hips, knees, and shoulders, making it harder to get moving.
In this routine, we will perform a series of isometric resistance training exercises that research has shown will actually reduce blood pressure and improve muscle function. In an isometric, a muscle remains contracted lightly, causing blood flow to naturally decrease. When that contraction is released, the return of blood flow sends metabolic signals that tell the blood vessels to relax. The net result is lower blood pressure.
Isometrics also have a "carry-over" effect, causing range of motion to improve around a joint. This is because isometrics help muscles contract better, connecting the CNS (central nervous system) in order to better recruit muscle fibers to be able to shorten more efficiently. The exercises in this video are designed to counteract various joint positions we take during periods of sitting, such as hip flexion, trunk flexion, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion by moving into extension. In less than 10 minutes, you can feel refreshed and energized with less pain in discomfort! You will need a chair for support.
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