Video 598 | Hip Mobility (30 mins) with Lauren Eirk
Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe
Enhance the flexibility in your hip joits with this integrated aproach to mobility training. Using a variety of positions, this bodyweight routine addresses hip range of motion as compared to the surrounding knee, hip, trunk and spine, foot and ankle motions. See how a limitation at one joint can potenially limit another, and how the strength / mobility of one region can enhance surrounding regions. This isometric-dynamic mobility workout is inspired by Yoga poses designed to compliment each other.
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Up Next in Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe
Video 565 | Hip Calisthenics (60 minu...
This bodyweight routine is designed to build muscles in your glutes, hip flexors, inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, and calves. We will begin with a warm up, followed by some squat progressions at the barre / support. We will then be working all areas of the complex hip joint, experimenting ...
Video 383 | Glutes Express (15 minute...
This Express workout packs in 15 minutes of the best gluteal exercises using dumbbells for resistance. Many exercises that are thought to target this area, but it takes strategic set up and focus to make bring the glutes to center stage.
Start on the floor and progress to several standing exe...
Video 473 | Thigh Band Express (15 mi...
This express workout includes a standing warm-up followed by thigh band exercises designed to strengthen the thighs, glutes, and hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. The exercises will train the gluteus maximus, minimus, and medius muscle groups as well as many h...
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