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Video 326 | Go-To Pilates (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

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  • Video 325 | FIS Osteo-Strong (30 Minu...

    The word ‘osteoporosis’ means ‘porous bone.’ It is a silent disease that weakens bones and puts you at a greater risk for sudden and unexpected bone fractures. Osteoporosis means that you have less bone mass and strength. The disease often develops without any symptoms or pain, and it is usually ...

  • Video #323 | Core and Pelvic Floor (3...

    Pelvic floor dysfunction is the inability to correctly relax and coordinate your pelvic floor muscles. When we strain, it puts pressure on this region. As we age, these muscles can become weak due to childbirth, standing for long periods of time, heavy lifting, straining to defecate, and some spo...

  • Video 321 | Stress Relief Yoga (30 mi...

    If your day is not going quite as planned, this practice will help! We start with a mindful body awareness meditation and begin to create movement with areas in the body that are typically affected by stress and immobility. This routine uses no equipment but your body and appropriate for all le...