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Video 416 | Isometric Shoulder 360 Boost (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

30 Day Mobility Plan

Up Next in 30 Day Mobility Plan

  • Video 275 | Yogalates for the Hips (3...

    The hip joint is ball and socket joint that is extremely stable and surrounded by large, powerful muscles that help you stand, sit, walk, and jump. Keeping the hip joint strong is paramount so that we can protect our spine, knees, and feet.

    In this workout, we will use a combination of hip fl...

  • Video 413 | Yoga Therapy for the Spin...

    The cornerstone of any Yoga practice is spinal health. The stronger your core, the more freedom you will feel inside your body. In this routine, I will teach some of the most effective postures for spinal mobility and strength. In these poses, you will take an integrated approach, performing m...

  • Video 467 | Ankle Mobility (45 Minute...

    From a seated position, we begin the workout with a range of motion assessment in:
    plantarflexion / dorsiflexion
    eversion / inversion
    abduction / adduction

    With direction about where you feel limited, we will practice several ankle mobility exercises that are designed to improve muscular respons...