Video 440 | Yoga for Inflexible People: Back (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Middle Back Pain Recipe
Many people think that Yoga is only for highly flexible people, especially due to the image that we see in marketing. However, with the use of Yoga props, we can make the postures accessible to everyone. Props make feel so much more comfortable, improving one's understanding of the pose.
We will start with a seated warm-up, followed by standing asanas with the chair to increase the overall comfort of these trunk and spine postures. Transition into back bends, forward bends, and twists with plenty of modifications and cues. This practice will help with those with chronic pain, tight lower back, and hip mobility issues.
Since trunk extension is not a position that we train from on a daily basis, these modifications are necessary. Enjoy the variations with the chair to help support the spine and improve your posture in the poses.
Purchase the equipment used in this video from Amazon:
Yoga Mat:
Mexican Blanket (Yoga):
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