Hip Rehab Program
The hip is a joint that is a weight bearing joint that is affected by structure, musculature, ligaments, the spine, foot, and ground forces.
Hip Rehabilitation Program Stages:
Foundation: Essential hip isometrics to create stability.
Isolation: Eliminating weakness with essential isolated joint isometrics.
Integration: Improving mobility with integrated joint isometrics.
Movement: Improving concentric and eccentric contractions around the hip and surrounding joints.
Strengthen: Adding resistance / load to our joints to safely encourage muscle hypertophy.
Challenge: Improving the muscles' ability to contract efficiently on-demand.
* This does not have to be done in successive days. Spend as much time as needed in each level of progression, as there is no rush. Use a gentle, consistent approach to strengthening your hips. Feel free to explore other workouts in the hip as well as the core, ankle, and foot regions.
Foundation 1: Video 490 | Isometric Core Mobility Boost (15 minutes)
Isolation 2: Video 296 | Isometric Hip Boost (15 minutes)
Isolation 3: Video 471 | Isometric Hip Boost: Rotation (15 minutes)
Integration 4: Video 384 | Gentle Hip and Back Yoga (30 minutes)
Integration 5: Video 231 | Yoga for Tight Hips (40 minutes)
Movement 6: Video 570 | Hip and Core Prehab (30 Minutes)
Movement 7: Video 430 | Lower Body Mobility (30 Minutes)
Strengthen 8: Video 409 | Thigh Band Glutes & Outer Hips (30 minutes)
Strengthen 9 Video 571 | Strong Quads and Thighs (30 Minutes)
Challenge 10: Video 497 | Hamstrings and Hip Extension (30 minutes)
Video 490 | Isometric Core Mobility Boost (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you strengthen core muscles. Enjoy improved mobility with improved spinal and hip stability using a series of rotation, flexion, and extension isometric exercises. You will not need any equipment for this workout. Think of...
Video 296 | Isometric Hip Boost (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk
If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you to flex your hip by strengthening muscles that cross the front of the hip joint. Weakness in this area of the body can cause tightness in the hamstrings and discomfort in the lower back.
You will need a sponge ball for ...
Video 471 | Isometric Hip Boost: Rotation (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This isometric routine is designed to target rotation of the hips
If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight routine will help you strengthen muscles that cross the hip to perform internal and external rotation, such as the gluteals, piriformis, superior and inferior gemelli, obturato...
Video 384 | Gentle Hip and Back Yoga (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This gentle Yoga routine will lower your stress, activate underperforming muscles, and help rejuvenate your body. You will need a chair for the entire practice. This routine is a slower-paced Yoga practice for all fitness levels, since the chair makes it easier to transition from one move to th...
Video 231 | Yoga for Tight Hips (40 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Yoga can help you to learn so much about your body. This workout is designed to help you uncover your muscular imbalances so that you can work to eliminate them through this isometric strength-based workout. Yoga blocks are used in this routine to support many of the positions and give you som...
Video 570 | Hip and Core Prehab (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Prehabilitation is the practice of keeping our joints healthy as preventative maintenance. It requires a constant revision of basic principles, patience, consistency, and practice.
This bodyweight routine is jammed full of hip and spine exercise essentials, designed to address some of the maj...
Video 430 | Lower Body Mobility (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Mobility issues are often caused by muscle weakness. In this quick 30-minute routine, we will be looking at five different positions of the hip joint using bodyweight as resistance to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.
The five positions we will examine are:
1. Hip Flexion
2. Hip Exten... -
Video 409 | Thigh Band Glutes & Outer Hips (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
This workout includes a standing warm-up with squat and hip flexor work followed by floorwork designed to strengthen the hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. Working with the thigh band, experience a variety of forces to train the gluteus maximus, minimus, and me...
Video 571 | Strong Quads and Thighs (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
In this workout, we will focus on a very important set of muscles that not only flex the hip, but also straighten the knee. Hip flexor muscles include the psoas major, iliacus, tensor fascia latae, and rectus femoris. The quadriceps also extend the knee, making it straight. These are an essenti...
Video 497 | Hamstrings and Hip Extension (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
In this targeted hamstring, glutes, and hip extension class, we will use the stability ball as a platform and resistance tool with bodyweight and dumbbells as resistance. The workout begins with some of the most effective hamstring work using the ball for eccentric training. Next, the ball creat...