Video 559 | Osteo-Hips (35 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe
Osteoporosis is often referred to as the “silent” disease because you typically do not have symptoms until you break a bone or become informed at a routine doctor visit. It develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes.
Osteoporosis affects the hip significantly because the hip is a major weight-bearing joint. In osteoporosis, bones lose density and strength, making them more susceptible to fractures. The hip bone (greater trochanter) and the femoral neck, are of the most vulnerable areas due to the high mechanical stress it endures.
This workout is full of "weight-bearing" hip exercises using a thigh band, dumbbells, and a support. Begin with standing mobility to address range of motion issues prepare the body with bodyweight training. Using the thigh band, we will address muscles that perform flexion, abduction, and extension exercises.
Next, we transition into some compound exercises with the added load of dumbbells in a variety of hip positions. Finish with calithenics that are commonly given in clinical settings to round out the practice.
Purchase Products used on this video from Amazon:
Fabric Resistance Band for Legs:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Yoga Mat:
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