Video 611 | Yoga Ball for Legs (45 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Hip Osteoarthritis Recipe
The interesting thing about Yoga is that it is always about moving to one's end range. However, our lifestyles never do. This is why we normally feel "tight" in these positions. In this routine, we will gently move into a variety of joint positions, taking a full-body approach using multi-joint isometrics.
When you exercise on a stability ball, your body engages a wider range of muscles to maintain balance. This goes beyond the primary muscle groups targeted in specific exercises, incorporating numerous stabilizing muscles as well. For example, a bridge exercise on the ball not only works the gluteal muscles but also activates the core, shoulders, feet, and legs for balance.
Throughout this lower body-focused Yoga practice, you will notice enhanced proprioception, which is the awareness of your body's position and movement. The ball's instability requires constant micro-adjustments, improving balance, coordination, and the neuromuscular system's ability to coordinate muscle actions effectively.
Positions include sitting, standing, single leg balance, supine bridge, sidelying, and prone over the ball. The ball will feel like a part of your body in this asana practice. Enjoy yoga poses, stability ball core exercises, and unique takes on many fusion adaptations that get you off the floor, give you support, and enhance your resistance training experience.
Purchase Products used on this video from Amazon:
55cm Stability Ball:
65cm Stability Ball:
Yoga Mat: