Video 441 | Dumbbell Abs Circuit (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk
Core Strength
This workout will add some variety and challenge to several abdominal exercises with a dumbbell for added resistance. Using a circuit format, experience a challenging core routine with the addition of a free weight to experience crunches in a whole new way! Exercises will vary from standing to floor exercises with creative loading techniques to bias specific core muscles.
Purchase products on Amazon:
Neoprene Coated Dumbbells:
Yoga Mat:
Up Next in Core Strength
Live Event | Pilates Deep Core and Sh...
This Pilates class will address not only the typical spinal positions that we train for abdominals and spinal erectors, but also for the deep cope muscles. We will address pelvic floor dysfunction, which is the inability to correctly relax and coordinate your pelvic floor muscles. When we strain...
Video 394 | Back Therapy Ball (15 min...
This 15 minute routine will teach you some of the most important exercises to do for the lower back and surrounding joints. The stability ball is often used in rehab and physical therapy because it gets you off the floor and allows you to safely move through a greater resisted range of motion. ...
Live Event | SI Stability (60 minutes...
Sacroiliac pain is very common and complex to treat. The key is to keep surrounding muscles around the pelvis, hips and core strong and regularly practice various joint angles in order to maintain range of motion. This routine is designed to strengthen the SI Joint and lumbar spine. The mini ba...