5 Day Muscle Construction Challenge

5 Day Muscle Construction Challenge

The 5-Day Muscle Construction Challenge

This challenge is designed to help you get a jump on muscle building in the new year! Muscle is harder to build and maintain as we age. In fact, most of us start losing muscle around age 30. Physically inactive people are at particular risk and can experience anywhere from a 3 to 8% loss of lean muscle mass every decade after that. To combat this, this challenge is designed to help you with muscle building. We will use higher repetitions, resistance that allows us to perform 8-12 reps with good form, and a variety of exercises, from muli-joint to islated.

We will be training each muscle group multiple times in every workout using traditional hypertrophy training with two lower body workouts, two upper body workouts, and one full body workout using bodyweight, dumbbells, and a thigh band. The focus will be about perfecting your training technique with adequate time under tension to build muscle. We will be working hard without hurting our joints!

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5 Day Muscle Construction Challenge
  • Video 500 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day One (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 1 of the Muscle Construction is a complete leg day workout involving multiple joints in several compound dumbbell movements to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. Enjoy some isolation exercises at the end of the routine to ensure adequate time under tension for the hips and t...

  • Video 501 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Two (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 2 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is an upper body workout involving multiple joints while we target the back, chest, and shoulder regions using dumbbells to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. This workout begins with a short warm-up, then moves into a superset format wi...

  • Video 502 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Three (30 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 3 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is another lower body workout involving multiple joints while we target the gluteal and hip regions using dumbbells and a thigh band to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep.

    This workout begins with a short warm-up, followed by a gluteal ...

  • Video 503 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Four (30 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 4 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is an upper body workout involving multiple joints while we target the bicep, tricep, and abdominal regions using dumbbells to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. This workout begins with an isometric core warm-up, then moves into a super...

  • Video 504 | Muscle Construction Challenge: Day Five (30 mins.) with Lauren Eirk

    Day 5 of the Muscle Construction Challenge is a full body workout involving multiple joints using dumbbells and a thigh band to recruit as much muscle as possible within each rep. We will be performing five combinations to work the upper and lower body plus some core exercises. I suggest having...