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Video 416 | Isometric Shoulder 360 Boost (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

30 Day Muscle Plan

Up Next in 30 Day Muscle Plan

  • Video 329 | Bodyweight Leg Workout (3...

    Train the muscles of the lower body using body mass only. Experience how much resistance you can get from just moving your body and leveraging its mass. A Yoga block will be used in the video to redirect force in several of the exercises, but this is optional.

    This workout is packed full of ...

  • Video 233 | FIS Core Bodyweight Worko...

    This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the core. This session is designed to position the body in a variety of ways against gravity to strengthen the core. Using concentric, eccentric, and isometric muscle contractions, this workout will help you feel taller and stronger by strengthening the mu...

  • Video 444 Pilates with Weights (30 mi...

    If you are looking to build muscle while working your core, this workout incorporates free weights into your mat Pilates routine. Dumbbells can help add a challenge to your limbs and your core so that you get even better results in the time you have available.

    As we flow through many of the e...