Video 599 | Total Body Calisthenics (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk
New This Month
This workout consists of 13 of the best bodyweight exercises we have to stay strong. These are called calisthenics. Calisthenics can be done anywhere, at any time, without the need for equipment. This makes them highly accessible for anyone, regardless of fitness level.
Calisthenics emphasize natural body movements, improving our muscle strength that can help us perform daily activities and sports. For example, push-ups strengthen the chest, shoulders, and arms, which are muscles you use in many everyday tasks. help to improve joint mobility and flexibility. This can reduce the risk of injuries and enhance overall movement quality.
We will do the following calisthenics: Air squat, lunges, side plank, leg raises, cobra,/ backbends. push-ups, burpees, chair dips, chair bridge, leg raises, crunches, L-Sits, and glute bridges.
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